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Spine & Back Injury

If you have suffered a severe and life-altering injury, you need a legal team with exceptional experience by your side.

No Win No Fee Available

Wherever possible, we aim to deal with claims on a "no-win, no-fee basis" which means that you are only liable for legal fees where we are successful in making your claim.

Spine & Back Injury Claims Lawyers Glasgow, Edinburgh & Dundee

If you have suffered from a spinal injury in an accident that was not your fault, you may be able to seek compensation for your losses because of the accident. Our team of specialist personal injury lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve. 

It is estimated that someone is paralysed by spinal cord injury in the UK every four hours. Paralysis can result in the loss of use and feeling in all or parts of the body.

It can be permanent or temporary. In the severest cases, paralysis can cause dysfunction of the internal organs even affecting the victim’s ability to breathe and control bodily functions unaided.

Neck & Back Injury Compensation 

The severity of paralysis will generally depend on the point of injury on the spinal cord. In serious injury cases, damage to the higher spine may mean loss of movement and feeling from the neck down (quadriplegia); an injury to the lower spine could result in paralysis of the lower limbs (paraplegia).

Spinal cord injury can be caused by a number of incidents, including:

How we can help

If you have sustained spinal cord injury in an accident or due to the negligence of a medical practitioner, then you could be entitled to claim for compensation. Our specialist team is on hand to assist throughout the claims process and is dedicated to securing you the compensation that you deserve.

If there is a dispute over who is to blame for your injury, it is imperative that you instruct a specialist in personal injury to ensure your claim is fully investigated. We have access to a range of experts who are suitably qualified to provide an opinion on liability, ranging from health and safety experts to medical professionals. Our team have experience in such cases where we successfully secured compensation for our client.

How we assess the impact of the injury 

We also recognise that injuries resulting in paralysis can have life-changing effects.  Even if liability is straight-forward, we will investigate all aspects of your claim to understand what impact the injury has had on your life. This is because compensation should not be restricted to your injuries alone. We believe that you should also be compensated for consequential costs. These costs may include:

  • Future loss of earnings
  • Home modifications
  • Care packages
  • Rehabilitation

If you are no longer able to work, or carry out pre-accident employment, as a result of paralysis, then it is likely that you will be deemed disadvantaged on the labour market. This can have a detrimental effect on your future earnings potential. We will instruct the appropriate experts to comment on your capacity to work and to calculate your future loss of earnings. Where there is a future loss of earnings claim, there will often be a claim for loss of pension rights. Such claims will involve complex calculations demanding the expertise of a forensic accountant or actuarial expert.  Instructing a solicitor who is committed to investigating these issues can dramatically increase the value of your claim.

Equally, we appreciate that the claims process can take time and yet the effects of a serious injury such as paralysis are immediate.  It is important that you have access to the necessary physical and psychological therapies as early as possible to give you the best chance of recovery. We are able to put you in touch with our own rehabilitation experts at the outset of your claim to identify your needs and to arrange the appropriate treatment.  Where appropriate, we can also seek interim payments from the party at fault to ease financial hardship during the claims process letting you focus on your recovery.

Contact our spinal injury lawyers in Glasgow, Edinburgh & Dundee today

If you have suffered an injury and think that you may have a claim, please contact us to discuss the matter on 0800 988 8082 or complete our online enquiry form and a member of our specialist team will get back to you right away.


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