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Funding your Personal Injury Claim

Committed to getting you the compensation you deserve; contact our professional and approachable team today.

Funding your personal injury claim

At Calio, we can help you fund your claim in several different ways. When you contact our team, they will discuss the best option for you, and advise on the best course of action and your prospects of success.

We can fund your case:

  • On a “No Win, No Fee” basis;
  • On a privately paid basis (where you pay certain fees and/or outlays)
  • Using Legal Aid (if eligible )
  • Using “After the Event” Insurance

The availability of these means of funding depends on the nature of your injury, the circumstances in which it happened and, in some cases, your financial circumstances.

No Win No Fee

Whether we can proceed on a no-win, no-fee basis depends on the type of case and its prospects.  

If we can proceed on a no-win, no-fee basis then we will only charge you any work done when your case is successful. If your claim is unsuccessful, then there is no legal fee to pay. However, if your claim IS successful and you are awarded compensation, we may take a percentage to cover the cost of our work and outlays. Normally, this is a maximum of 20% inclusive of VAT.  However, this can vary depending on the nature of the case.

Privately paid

We will suggest that you fund part of your case privately if it’s not clear who (if anyone) is at fault, or if there isn’t a clear link between the incident and your injuries.

In such cases, we may need to commission certain expert reports. These may need to be paid for by you.

However, in some circumstances, we may still be able to handle the legal work on a no-win, no-fee basis. If the reports come back in support of your case, we can normally proceed with a no-win, no-fee arrangement.

If the reports do not support your case (for example by saying that your injuries are not a result of the accident) we will normally advise you to close your case, but can also advise you that you can seek a second opinion in the form of another report.

Advice and Assistance (Legal Aid)

***Please note, we are only able to offer legal aid in limited circumstances, and only to those who are financially eligible.  Legal Aid is not available as a matter of course to everyone.***

Legal Aid is a scheme administered by the Scottish Legal Aid Board which provides the client with some initial financial help for advice, correspondence, and negotiation.

You may be eligible for this to cover the initial costs of the personal injury claim. This will depend on your financial circumstances. As such, we will require details of your financial position, including one month’s bank statements. If Legal Aid is granted, it is normally to the value of £2,500 however this limit can be increased if there is a good enough reason to do so.

After the Event Insurance

ATE insurance, also known as litigation insurance or legal expenses insurance, protects you against the financial exposure of having to pay an opponent's legal costs if you are unsuccessful in their legal proceedings. 

If you are eligible, we normally apply for this once we receive the initial reports back. However, we can apply for this to pay for these initial reports.

Contact Calio Claims to discuss funding your personal injury claim

If you are considering making a claim and are unsure how to fund it, we can help. Contact us today on 0800 988 8082 or complete our online enquiry form and our team will discuss the best means of funding your case.  


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