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Case Studies

How we've helped our clients.

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Circumstances of claim

Our client attended hospital a number of times complaining of shoulder and neck pain radiating into his hands.  Due to various lifestyle issues that he suffered from, our client was discharged from hospital without any treatment.

It should have been clear to the doctors and nurses treating our client that he potentially had a serious spinal condition.  Due to their failure to treat our client his spinal condition got seriously worse and ultimately, he had to be admitted to hospital for urgent surgery. 

Due to the delay in treatment, our client has been left with significant mobility issues.  

How we helped our client

We notified a claim to the health authority.  Liability was denied. 

We then instructed several medical experts including experts in accident and emergency medicine and orthopaedics.  Their view was the failure to treat our client promptly was negligent. 

We then instructed further reports from a psychiatrist and care needs expert.  We raised a court action for our client.  We progressed the court action until a settlement was agreed in the sum of £164,000. 

The compensation our client received would have been much higher on full liability, but we couldn’t medically prove that all his mobility problems were down to the negligence.  A large proportion of the symptoms would have occurred anyway even had the negligence not occurred.  On full liability, his clam was probably worth in the region of £750,000.    

How can we help?

We have a specialist team with over 30 years’ experience. Contact us today for expert help.


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