Have you suffered physical and/or psychological injury following a robbery at your workplace?
Instances of robberies are increasing, most frequently in convenience stores, however it can happen in any workplace setting where cash or valuables are perceived to be readily accessible.
Workers employed to sell products or act in safety matters in public-facing activities are more prone to experience workplace violence and can be vulnerable and at a higher risk in these situations.
If so, we can assist you in advising whether you are eligible to claim compensation for your pain and suffering. As a result of being physically or psychologically injured you may not have been able to work and have suffered loss of earnings due to your inability to work.
Did your employer take all possible precautions to keep you safe from actual or threat of violence?
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends improving workplace safety by, for example:
- making high-risk areas visible to more people and installing good external lighting,
- physically separating workers from customers, clients and the general public,
- using locked drop safes, carrying small amounts of cash and posting signs that limited cash is available,
- using CCTV, silent alarms, two-way mirrors, car-key access systems, pan-bar doors locked from the outside only,
- addressing the number of entrances and exits, the ease with which non-employees can gain access to work areas because doors are unlocked and the number of areas where potential attackers can hide.
Did you receive training on how to deal with such a situation?
An employer is obliged to provide armed robbery and survival training where “There is a real and foreseeable risk of the particular employee being the victim of an armed robbery while attending to their duties”.
How we can help
If you have suffered physical or psychological injury as a result of a robbery at the workplace your employer may be at fault, please contact us to discuss the matter on 0800 988 8082 or complete our online enquiry form.