We secured a higher offer for our client following an accident at work
Our client was employed as a butcher and whilst opening a bag of meat with a knife he lacerated his arm. The employer had failed to provide the appropriate gloves for the task as they did not cover his entire arm if they had done so the injury would have been avoided.
As a result of the accident, our client had to go to hospital for treatment and have the wound closed with sutures. He was absent from work for three months.
How we helped our client
We intimated the claim directly upon our client’s employers, which was then forwarded to the employer’s insurers. Shortly after, the insurer advised us that full liability was admitted by the employer.
We recovered a copy of our client’s medical records and had them examined by a medical expert, who confirmed that he would be left with permanent scarring. After the medical report had been received and approved, it was sent onto the insurers who then made a settlement offer.
We advised our client that we felt the initial offer was too low, and recommended returning to seek an increased offer. We successfully secured higher compensation, which our client happily accepted, along with a sum for the loss of earnings they had sustained during their absence from work.
How we can help
We have specialist personal injury lawyers who are experienced dealing with employer liability claims, and several members of the team are members of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) which provides us access to a specialist who can assist us with claims.