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Case Studies

How we've helped our clients.

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Our client was working as an apprentice bricklayer on a building site the day of his accident. He was instructed to clean the brickwork of the adjacent building from the scaffolding when he fell through a void in the scaffolding. He fell approximately 21 feet and landed on an electricity box.

Our client sustained multiple injuries. He suffered from three fractured vertebrae, fractures to his sternum, clavicle, shoulder and ribs, As a result of the accident he also suffered from depression.

How we helped

We intimated our client's claim upon his employer. The insurers acting on behalf of the employers admitted liability for the incident subject to contributory negligence.

We began ingathering medical evidence in relation to our client's injuries. Whilst he had a good recovery, he was unable to continue on with his chosen career of being a bricklayer as he was now unable to undertake any heavy lifiting as a result of his injuries sustained.

We therefore had to instruct an employment expert to prepare a report to comment upon his loss of earnings, loss of pension and loss of employability in the labour market. 

We raised court proceedings on our client's behalf and a date was scheduled for a trial to take place. However, we managed to secure settlement prior to the trial starting.


We settled our client's claim in the sum of £500,000.


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